Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This morning at 9AM sharp we hit the road on the first leg of our trip to Arizona to earn our wings to become once completed officially Snow-Bird.

The Fiesta perform as well as expected I drove the first 3 hours in the morning and after a short break for lunch Frederick drove the rest of the way trough verry heavy traffic due in part to  the American Thanks Giving Holiday tomorrow, it was a hair raising experience especially for us,we have groan acostume to the traffic at home in Hope BC, anyway after a few twist and tun because we had forgotten how to get  to Oregon City we made it.This RV-park is a city park, situated on the south side of the City and has all the facilities for a modest $20.00 a day a real gem, we plan on stoping here again when we return home in march.


  1. I'm thinking you drove through Seattle ?? I hate driving through Seattle - hair raising for sure.

    Drive safe !
