Saturday, November 29, 2014

Just talk to Ron and Pat in Cloverdale, BC.It seem we ran away from home just on time, they have minus 15c and snow on the ground, don't mean to brag but it was 23c here this afternoon in Bakersfield ca, we should be happy that all we had to put up with today was a miner fix on the Fiesta left flasher and torrential rain for about 150 miles....also got to see the devastating drought in southern California there is nothing but dust, it is tragic.
Tomorrow we will be at or near Quartz-site Arizona and be officially Snow Birds.


  1. WOW, You sure are barrelling along !! Oh, Lots of dust here in Q as well.

  2. Great to see you guys are having a fun time on your trip. Bob and I look forward to your daily blogs. Angela
