Thursday, December 25, 2014

Different kind of Christmas!!!

Back home in the past, Christmas was very much celebrate on our own or with a few intimate friends, out here this year we were part of this new found instant family.

Last Sunday we were serenaded for about half hour by a wagon full off Carolers,  friends of the campsite Manager......afterward some of the guest sipped  hot chocolate while other like us were having a bit stronger beverages, sitting around the fire chatting for a few hours,

Today "Christmas day" afternoon about 25 show up for the  Pot Luck, all kind of glorious and varied foods were presented to the delight off everyone.

Frederick with is "Baby" plate....

Me cutting the pecan pie, no I did not have any!

Following the lunch was the traditional gift exchange ,frederick above and Pat the manager below seem delighted, their big smile tells it all.

All and all it was a great success......Christmas in the Arizona desert is a different kind of Christmas.


  1. Looks like you had a great day and we got to chat with you as well. made our day as well. Have fun and keep in touch xoxoxoxo.

  2. And each year it will get better and better. I have found you can be as social as you want - or - enjoy as much solitude as you need as well.

  3. Happy New year you guys.. Hope your having a good warm day. Cold here but sunny.. Need to ask you something about the light thing we gave you when you left. we got one for kelly and she opened it yesterday,,How does it fit into the wall socket?????? have no idea how too get it working.. hope you might give us some answer...Off to the track, check in with you later this evening.
